LB°22 — Exhibitions
ARKIVAt Galleri Syster paintings by the artist Augusta Strömberg (1866~1954) are for the first time exhibited in a greater art context, side by side with contemporary works by Susanna Jablonski and Ana Vaz.
Digital guided walkthrough: Galleri Syster
Karin Bähler Lavér, Emily Fahlén and Asrin Haidari, curators of the 2020 Luleå Biennial, and the artist Erik Thörnqvist, take you along on digital guided walkthroughs of the six biennial exhibitions: Luleå konsthall, Norrbottens museum, Välkommaskolan, Havremagasinet länskonsthall, Galleri Syster and Silvermuseet.
Digital guided walkthrough with curator Karin Bähler Lavér, Galleri Syster.
Footage and editing by Thomas Hämén.
In Swedish.
Guidad videotur med curator Karin Bählér Laver, Galleri Syster. Luleåbiennalen 2020.