LB°20 Program


Presentation: Glacial archaeological inventories in the Norrbotten Mountains

Still from the film The upcoming Polar Silk Road, 2021 Elena Mazzi.

On Wednesday 23rd of November Norrbottens museum presents the lecture: Glacial archaeological inventories in the Norrbotten Mountains.

Between 2021 and 2024, Norrbottens museum will be carrying out archaeological inventories of melting glaciers and snow patches in the Norrbotten Mountains.

Archaeologists from the museum will tell us about the inventories and what it is like working as an archaeologist in the mountains.

The presentation is free, drop-in. Welcome!

  • What: Learning Room
  • When: 23 Nov
  • Times: 13.00-14.00
  • Where: Museiparken, Storgatan 2