LB°18 Artists


Louis Henderson

These lowest depths, these deeps, 2018, Louis Henderson. Luleåbiennalen 2018.

Louis Henderson (b. in Norwich, 1983) is an artist based in Paris and Berlin.

These lowest depths, these deeps takes the sea’s many layers of significance as its point of departure. The video is a fragment from Louis Henderson’s extensive film project Overtures, a ghost story about the Haitian revolution of 1791, that led to the abolishment of slavery and the first free black state in the Americas. The leader of the revolution, Toussaint Louverture, was taken captive by Napoleon’s troops in 1802, and imprisoned in a medieval castle in the French Jura mountains, where he died a year later. The film plays out between two distinct parts of the story, and depicts a transitional scene and the route across the ocean from Haiti to France. From the waterfalls of the Jura, in French rivers to the Atlantic, Louverture’s restless ghost returns to the Caribbean. A mix of on-site recordings, archive material and an diverse soundscape make for a hybrid experience that reflects the fractured state of the ghost. The sea is a carrier of history, language and culture. A symbolic place between the worlds of the dead and the living. With João Polido Gomes (sound) and Philippe Cuxac (animation).

Louis Henderson (b. in Norwich, 1983) is an artist based in Paris and Berlin.

These lowest depths, these deeps, 2018, Louis Henderson. Luleåbiennalen 2018.


Filipa César & Louis Henderson, Sunstone, 2018


Galleri Syster, Luleå


These lowest depths, these deeps, 2018


Luleå konsthall