LB°11 Artists


Søren Hüttel

Søren Hüttel (b. 1976, Denmark) is an artist based in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Søren Hüttel works artistically and thematically with surface and appearance - not to be confused with superficiality. He considers aspects of the vulgar, campy, delicate and sentimental as interesting elements. The visuality in TV series such as Dynasty from the '80s and casinos in Las Vegas are examples of items he uses in his art. His work exudes a passion for that kind of aesthetic. They become things of things. They become objects that question themselves and their own being and right to exist as they stand in between thingness and nothingness. By combining different objects, he builds a work of art where he examines and refines symbols and methods in an almost painterly process. His art in itself is not creating new ideas or meanings, but rather creates new constellations between concepts. It is not about producing works that are understandable per se. The work is not made to convey a deeper theme, idea or tell a story. Instead it is up to the viewer to decide the idea and content of the work. Eclectic is described as "the borrowing of a variety of styles from different sources and combining them".

Installation with fluorescent lights and objects.